Love getting older in Queensland

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Celebrations throughout October

From 1-31 October we’re celebrating older Queenslanders and their ongoing contribution to the state—whether as volunteers or in the workforce, community leaders or carers, grandparents, or advocates.

Throughout the month community groups and organisations are hosting inclusive events and activities throughout the state.

Seniors Month is all about increasing the social connectedness of older people and their communities because we all want to be:

Connected to our communities and the important people in our lives.
Cared for and supported if care and support are needed.
Celebrated as valued community members.

Show your love for older Queenslanders

By planning and hosting inclusive events and activities and supporting older Queenslanders to share what they love, such as their:

Love for connections.
Love for sport, recreation, and the outdoors.
Love for family and friends.
Love for contributing to their community.
Love for learning.
Love for caring for others and volunteering.

Shining a light on Seniors

Too often we have heard that people feel invisible as they get older, and we want to change that. One building, bridge, and sign at a time.

The Seniors Month Grant

The Seniors Month Grant program invited eligible organisations to apply for up to $2,000 to host inclusive events and activities during Seniors Month.

In 2024, more than 100 community organisations received funding through the program

Towards an age-friendly community

Every day older Queenslanders make a significant contribution in our communities and each one deserves recognition for these strengths and the opportunity that ageing well provides to participate fully in our communities.

The Queensland Government is committed to creating age-friendly communities, where seniors can lead healthy and productive lives.

Future Directions for an Age-Friendly Queensland outlines the Queensland Government’s commitment to continuing to create age-friendly communities in which seniors feel connected, cared for and can contribute in ways of their choosing.

Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland coordinates Queensland Seniors Month on behalf of the Queensland Government.

Stay up to date by visiting this website often, signing up to the e-newsletter on the home page, and following us on Facebook.

Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland coordinates Queensland Seniors Month on behalf of the Queensland Government and receives funding to collaboratively plan, run and subsidise events and activities.

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