Join Registered Nurse and advocate Coral Wilkinson, author of My Parents Are Ageing, What The Heck Do I Do? Understanding Australia’s aged care system to support older loved ones at home and Danielle Phillips of Sage Executor Solutions to learn what’s involved with finalising the estate of a loved one.
Danielle discusses her lived experience in becoming an executor twice in two years during the Covid-19 pandemic when she lost both her parents. She was thrown into a whirlpool of time sensitive form filling, phone calls, emails and document preparation, during a time when she just needed space and capacity to focus on the loss of her parents.
Danielle immediately recognised the need for a roadmap that could effectively lessen the pressure and confusion around deceased estate administration and what to do next when someone dies. She founded Sage Executor Solutions.
During this aged care masterclass, you’ll learn about finalising the legal and financial aspects of an estate, finalising property and finalising personal tasks.
This masterclass is presented online.
Danielle’s presentation will be about 45 minutes, then we’ll have questions and answers for 15 minutes.
Places are limited so your questions can be answered.
Secure your spot by registering via the link below.
This masterclass is free.